The sea as a school of life

The educational team develops an individualized project with the young person, which includes social and educational objectives as well as vocational integration options.

This project allows the young person to project himself beyond the immediate experience by outlining medium or long-term integration objectives. The stay at sea allows the discovery and implementation of professional and relational skills and aptitudes. In contact with the adult world and the demands of life at sea, these young people can draw on resources that are little or not valued in order to get through a rough patch in their lives and forge a new future.

Upon return from the voyage, a personalized follow-up allows them to transfer the skills acquired and implemented on board into a new integration project.

You will find a complete description of the Jeunes en Mer program by downloading our explanatory file at the bottom of the page.

travail a bord

The young people concerned

JEM program is aimed at young people from the age of 14, who are able to project themselves into the future, and who are capable and determined to temporarily move away from their usual living environment. The young people concerned are referred directly by the juvenile protection services or placed by the Juvenile Courts throughout French-speaking Switzerland.


The main objective of the JEM program is to allow these young people to live a strong experience that favors a better knowledge of themselves by mobilizing their resources in a natural environment with the sailboat and learning to navigate at the center of the adventure.

It is also to practice living in a group in a limited space, to accept the other in his difference and to think collectively. This trip is a school of life. The discovery of oneself and of others goes through the learning of the handling of the sails, the mutual aid and the solidarity which forge the relations. More specifically, these young people will :

  • Discover sailing at sea
  • Work on the handling of sails on board an old sailing ship
  • Do the maneuvers with several people and by hand
  • Discover the power of nature
  • Be aware of the respect of the environment
  • Experience group life in organized watches
  • Mobilize their resources, their strengths, taking into account their weaknesses
  • To be confronted with the challenge of surpassing oneself
  • Acquire discipline through the repetition of tasks inherent to life on board
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Type of commitment

The association offers two different but cumulative types of commitment.

  • Boarding for navigation
  • Educational internship in a shipyard

The stays in educational shipyards and the stays at sea are followed by a phase of personalized accompaniment on return to Switzerland according to an educational plan adapted to ensure the achievement of their objectives.

Course of the program

The projects of educational stays take place in three phases:

  • A preparation phase
  • The educational stay
  • A follow-up phase
3 phases

Conditions of participation

The following information on the Youth at Sea program is intended for services that work in favor of integration and youth, the Juvenile Court or parents of young people in difficult situations.

It is not necessary to have any sailing skills to board one of the association’s sailing boats. However, young people who wish to come aboard must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a minor
  • Be volunteers for a minimum 2 month stay at sea
  • They must have psychosocial support
  • Need to be away from home to gain perspective on their situation

Each situation is unique and does not necessarily correspond to the points listed. If this is the case, please contact the educational team with a brief description of the situation through our contact form.

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For more information

Contact the socio-educational team directly via our contact form

or download our explanatory brochure