Expeditions 2009-2014


Under the patronage of UNESCO and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Fondation Pacifique is conducting in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, North and Baltic Seas, the Red Sea and the Caribbean on board of Fleur de Passion a first long-term expedition, The Changing Oceans Expedition, during which it conducts various scientific programs in partnership with academic institutions or international NGOs.

Red tuna farm in Malta

Divers from “The Changing Oceans Expedition” explore a red tuna farm in Malta. Red tunas are trapped in large cages (approximately 1000 tuna in a 50m diameter cage) were they are fed systematically until they reach commercial size.

The Wadden Sea : a World Heritage

Fleur de Passion is navigating in the Wadden Sea. The goal of the Changing Oceans Expedition is to gather information on best practices of these marine protected areas, which have been classified world heritage by the UNESCO in June 2009. This will complete the information gathered earlier in the expedition and will help us to develop a global strategy for decreasing the impact of human activities on the oceans.

Human impact on the Oceans | Morocco

A local fisherman, Ylias, joins the Changing Oceans Expedition’s scientific team, including scientists from the USA and Italy in the marine protected aera of Al Hoceima, Morocco. Their goal, validate and improve “a global map of cumulative human impact on marine ecosystems” (Science Feb 2008).

Making of 5D film in Malta

While Fleur de Passion is sailing towards the Suez Canal, part of the crew of the Changing Oceans expedition is in Malta for a cinematographic project. We will produce a film in 5 dimensions about the underwater life in collaboration with Pinkau, a German production company.

Impact of tourism on dolphins

During its stay in Hurghada, The Changing Oceans Expedition meets scientists from Dolphin Watch Natural Underwater Science and HEPCA to better understand the impact of tourism on the dolphins populations from the Red Sea.

3D reconstruction of a coral pinnacle

The Changing Oceans Expedition collaborated with the German oceanographic museum to rebuild in 3D a coral pinnacle using a technique called stereo-photogrammetry. This reconstruction will be used later in the museum.

Storm in the Aeolian Islands

During our stopover in the Aeolian Islands, we had the opportunity to realize how well these islands were named… Indeed, the wind never ceased to heckle us! Beyond the expedition aspect, this episode of our odyssey represents a real slice of life aboard Fleur de Passion. With good and bad moments, but all of great intensity! Direction Léo Leibovici. Production: Oceanica Prod. / Fondation Antinea