A trade winds start to the year

News from the beginning of the year The winter break is over, minds and bodies rested, Pacifique is starting a new year with new projects on the horizon. We would like to extend our very best wishes to all of you who follow our maritime peregrinations. Over [...]

2025-02-11T16:25:59+01:0011 February 2025|

Logbook #2: Welcome to Nome!

text written by the Que Sera crew Logbook from July 6 to 12, 2024 "We're continuing to sail in dense mist, the boat is quite damp and fatigue is setting in. After our episode with the genoa "cocotté", we have to wait a few days before [...]

2024-08-08T13:04:07+02:008 August 2024|

Logbook #1: Leaving Kodiak

text written by the Que Sera crew Logbook from June 30 to July 6, 2024 "Kodiak is shrouded in fog, making it hard for some of the crew: Fanny, Tom and Marion, us joining Que Sera in Alaska. By the second attempt, the fog has lifted [...]

2024-08-08T13:12:44+02:0029 July 2024|

Camp Océan with Sailowtech

World Environment Day In the spotlight, a summer project that fits in perfectly with this day: the Arvor expedition. Initiated by Sailowtech, 18 students will take turns on board the Mauritius from July 18 to August 11. In the heart of the English Channel, they will be testing "low-tech" measuring devices and taking [...]

2024-06-30T20:45:27+02:005 June 2024|

In the Bintang Bolong riverbed

Among the mangroves With their feet in the bed of the Bitang Bolong river, the scientific team led by Prof. Daniel McGinnis and PhD César Ordonez from the UNIGE, took several sediment cores between the mangroves. This final day of sampling brings to a close the 2024 "Sailing for Mangroves" expedition conducted with [...]

2024-01-17T17:02:38+01:0017 January 2024|

End of 2nd session

End of session for the 2nd GREAT Institute group For two days, 10 new students trained to take samples in the field to analyze greenhouse gases in the surface waters of the Gambia River. Despite the sometimes sweltering heat on the Fleur de Passion bridge, the whole team was able to exchange ideas [...]

2024-01-16T23:43:04+01:0015 January 2024|

A first day of sampling

Fleur de Passion begins its journey up the river Successful first day of sampling on the Gambia River. A team of 9 Gambian students took turns sampling and observing alongside Professor Kam Tang from Swansea University. The sailing boat covered some ten kilometers upstream of Banjul and is now continuing its expedition. Photos: [...]

2024-01-10T14:58:09+01:0010 January 2024|

Across the Bering Strait

The Northwest Passage is officially complete! The crew has brought the boat Que Sera safely to port and validated the final part of the 2023 Arctic adventure. Here's a look back at this final leg. On 5 September, after some quick maintenance work on the boat Que Sera, the team set sail for [...]

2023-09-22T12:43:34+02:0022 September 2023|

Crew change in Tuktoyaktuk

Change of crew! August 22, the stopover in Cambridge Bay is short-lived. Just enough time to disembark Okalik Eegeesiaq (thanks to her for coming on board as part of the Beyond Her Horizons project), and the crew heads back to Tuktoyaktuk. Taking advantage of favorable weather windows is the leitmotif of polar expeditions. [...]

2023-09-11T13:51:54+02:0011 September 2023|
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