2021 marks the beginning of the Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

This initiative, decided in 2017 by the United Nations, aims to mobilize the scientific community, policy makers, businesses, and civil society around a common agenda of research and technological innovation.
This increased international cooperation helps to strengthen scientific research and innovative technologies so that science can respond to the needs of society. The program is structured around 6 main axes :

  • A clean ocean where sources of pollution are identified and removed
  • A healthy and resilient ocean where marine ecosystems are mapped and protected
  • A predictable ocean where society has the capacity to understand current and future ocean conditions
  • A safe ocean where people are protected from ocean hazards
  • A sustainably harvested ocean ensuring the provision of food supply
  • A transparent ocean with open access to data, information and technologies

A proclamation that marks the importance of preserving the oceans for future generations and in which the scientific and awareness programs carried out on board the Fleur de Passion and Mauritius sailboats participate.

More information on https://www.oceandecade.org/