Cambridge Bay halfway point

A good half over! On August 19, the crew covered the last few nautical miles to Cambridge Bay. On the way, a detour is made to visit the wreck of HMS Erebus, lying at a depth of 11 meters. Too much chop. The sea doesn't reveal the silhouette of the famous 19th-century Royal [...]

2023-09-11T13:22:51+02:0011 September 2023|

In Lancaster Sound

On 24 July, Que Sera left the coast of Greenland for Pond Inlet in Canada. This is the first stage on the way to the Northwest Passage. The decision to go further north in the Baffin Sea was the right one. Free of ice, the crossing went smoothly. In the north, the days are [...]

2023-08-10T17:11:17+02:0010 August 2023|

Among the icebergs

The ice is slowly breaking up, the Baffin Sea is clearing and there is a glimpse of a possible crossing to the Canadian coast. After a friendly reunion with the inhabitants of Qeqertarsuaq, Que Sera left Disko Island to continue northwards. The latitudes change, and the sailboat zigzags between the many ice floes [...]

2023-07-25T16:58:13+02:0025 July 2023|

Back to Qeqertarsuaq

On 21 June, Que Sera left the port of Lewisporte on the island of Newfoundland. On board, skipper Pere is accompanied by Léa and Thibaut as sailors. The boat began its journey, winding its way between the many islands, bays and capes that dot the north of the Canadian island. A large low-pressure [...]

2023-07-13T16:56:03+02:007 July 2023|

Que Sera en route to Greenland

Departure of Que Sera! Preparations have come to an end on the sailing boat which is preparing to cross the Northwest Passage as part of the Arctic expedition. After the handover from Mauritius to Que Sera, the latter left the port of Lewisporte on the island of Newfoundland yesterday and is now heading [...]

2023-07-13T16:43:28+02:0022 June 2023|

Article on the “Arctic Change” program

by Caroline Guenat & Leila Hottinger Under the supervision of Prof. Daniel F. McGinnis and PhD. César Ordóñez Background - Global warming and greenhouse gas emissions The Arctic is a region that is very sensitive to global warming. In recent decades, the increased rise in global temperatures has [...]

2023-05-29T12:25:16+02:0029 May 2023|

“Que sera”, a new partner for Pacifique

New Partner! Pacifique, committed to the Arctic expedition since 2020, is embarking on its fourth and penultimate sailing season for the Arctic Expedition.The multidisciplinary expedition has a clear goal: Sailing for Science, Education and Sustainability. As with all previous expeditions, it has three components, and is designed to be as inclusive as possible [...]

2023-06-11T14:16:32+02:0014 March 2023|

Mission begins on the Gambia River

First day of sampling on the Gambia River Yesterday, the Mauritius sailed deeper into the Gambia River for its first day of research under glorious sunshine. The scientific team took the first samples of water between 0.5 and 8 m deep. These studies examine a number of parameters, including water temperature, salinity and [...]

2023-06-09T01:28:23+02:0018 January 2023|

Two artists on board

Marfa Indoukaeva and Matthieu Berthod have recently joined Mauritius No sooner had the suitcases been set down than the pencils were out for a drawing lesson with the children of the employees of the Dakar Sailing Club. The morning ended with a visit to the sailboat, which seems to have inspired a few [...]

2023-06-09T01:28:37+02:0010 January 2023|

Science in the Celtic Sea

Scientific programs continue aboard the Mauritius. From Greenland to Brittany, the crew took greenhouse gas samples for the "Arctic Change" program, run in partnership with the University of Geneva. The results of the program are available here : Arctic Change results With particularly mild weather for this crossing of the Celtic Sea, conditions [...]

2023-06-08T23:44:48+02:0021 August 2022|
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